Get what you love now,
and pay for it later.

Because celebrations and happiness can't wait and your peace of mind is our top priority, we bring you the new Plan It service, so you can buy what you love and conveniently pay in monthly installments while enjoying your rewards!
  1. Plan It is an installment payment option that provides you financial flexibility.
  2. Choose the plan that works for you and enjoy your purchase.
Plan It benefits:
  1. Buy the things you love when you want
  2. Pay conveniently with your choice of plan
  3. Transparent payment plan
  4. Enhanced purchasing power
  5. Ease in cashflow management
Installment Calculator
Fill in the value of the purchase to get the amount of the monthly installments which is dependent upon the installment amount and tenure.

For transactions below SAR 25K, the profit rate is 1%.
For transactions above SAR 25K, the profit rate is 1.5%.

*Value Added Tax (“VAT”) will be levied as per the prevailing tax laws in addition to the fee mentioned above.
Plan It Feature Parameters
Equal Monthly Installments 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months 12 Months
Monthly Fees 1 -1.5% 1 -1.5% 1 -1.5% 1 -1.5%
Minimum Amount $266.66 or SAR 1000 $266.66 or SAR 1000 $266.66 or SAR 1000 $266.66 or SAR 1000
Initiation fee (Including VAT) 57.5 SAR 57.5 SAR 57.5 SAR 57.5 SAR
Max. Amount of Card Limit 100% 100% 100% 100%
Max. Active Plans 5 5 5 5
To view the Terms and Conditions, please click here.
Find the perfect card for you and embrace the freedom to
buy now and pay later
Find the perfect card for you and embrace the freedom to buy now and pay later